目前分類:物理化學 (5)
- Dec 04 Fri 2015 21:08
- Dec 04 Fri 2015 06:48
fw: 作者 extemjin () 標題 Re: [問卦] 史特林引擎發電有沒有搞頭啊
作者 extemjin ()
Re: [問卦] 史特林引擎發電有沒有搞頭啊
- Nov 29 Sun 2015 22:41
fw: bulk modulus describes how local pressure responds to the change of the local density.
What pressure oscillation results from oscillating displacements of atoms ?
- We shall consider plane waves for simplicity. The displacement wave is given by the formula
y(x,t) = A cos( kx x - ω t + φ0 ) where y(x,t) is a displacement in x of the plane - Last time we have showed on the board that the displacement wave causes local volume compression/rarification with
- In bulk materials, the volume compression corresponds to pressure increase over the ambient pressure, Δ p = P - Pa as described by bulk modulus B
- B plays the role of spring constant in Hooke's Law, but now for volumetric deformations (strains). Units of bulk modulus are Pascales, as that for pressure. Please browse through Chapter 11.4 for discussion of deformations in bulk materials.
Notice the difference with Hooke's law. Here it is the relative change of the volume that is involved, while in Hooke's law we deal with the absolute change in the spring length.
- Nov 18 Wed 2015 05:07
- Nov 17 Tue 2015 04:02
fw: 更正長波聲波傳的遠的錯誤觀念