


講者:江榮原(Jung-Yuan Chiang)


Mr. Chiang Jung-Yuan was formerly involved in the creative writing and publishing industries prior to turning 40. At the peak of his career, Yuan showed signs of burning out, mentally and physically. Years of endless hypocrisy and falsehoods surrounding his line of work took a toll on him; as a result, his immune system weakened and he started to develop chronic skin problems. It was then that Yuan decided to alter his lifestyle by embracing a slower paced life that involved religion and qigong. His new rituals led him down to a different path of making handmade organic soaps that are therapeutic for the body. 

In 2005, Yuan and his two younger brothers founded Yuan Workshop Co. The company uses the healing powers of natural ingredients from various regions of Taiwan to create a line of preservative-free soaps. Such products employ local talents to handmade and hand-pack. In the short span of three years, Yuan's products have gradually built up a base of clients in Asia, proving that an all-natural solution is healthy not only for the body and mind, but also for the local Taiwanese community.

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